When I started out looking for a Windows VPS Server, I was a bit hesitant to sign up with HostStage, mainly because it was my first time and I didn’t really know what to expect and not sure what kind of service I will have. Today, I decided to share my journey with HostStage Windows VPS server and how they helped my websites rank.

I saw HostStage on a forum, hey are offering a discount when you signed up, it was $12.95, after using the coupon I only payed $9 (yippee!) that’s a good start for me since I didn’t want to waste too much money and I am only experimenting and trying things out.
This is the coupon that I use WPC30 – it will give you 30% discount! More coupons here.
After signing up, I received my HostStage VPS credentials after 8 hours (considering timezones) and immediately put in my credentials and I am happy that I have my very own VPS server 🙂 after all that I downloaded all my tools and scripts, set it up and everything went fine.

During the week, I have several questions that I am curios about. I created a ticket and the support answered them all, the support is responsive and very helpful which is a big thumbs up to me. They always answer within day, sometimes in minutes! I’ve read that some people contacts them in forums, email and social media. I never tried it since I go directly to support ticket, I think it’s more faster that way.
After a month or two, I decided to create a review for them since I really wanted you guys to test how reliable and fast their Windows VPS server. I am very happy with them and I am sure you will love them too! Here’s a few questions (more like interview) that I sent out to them, it’s a lot I know 🙂

HostStage Review
How long has HostStage been in business?
HostStage is a company opened for more than 4 years. We have been excelling in providing a committed services for our customers.
Why should I choose HostStage?
Our pricing model is matching ones of the lowest price of the market while providing the most qualitative offers possible.
Our servers are populated with the minimal amount of customers to ensure the best performances possible which is backed up with a high end hardware. We micro manage our servers so we can manage the res sources of each servers properly.
Do you offer a Money Back guarantee?
We do have a 30 money back guarantees for all our services both domain names and dedicated servers.
Are there any hidden charges?
Absolutely not, we do work on our communication so everything is transparent for our customers, there is never hidden charges applied for any of our services.
How long will it take to set up my account?
Linux web hosting, Shared Web Hosting, and Domain names are set up instantly. Windows VPS are set up under 12 hours and dedicated servers are set up under 24 hours.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We do accept Payza, Paypal, Credit Cards and moneybookers.
Can I upgrade my hosting / vps plan at a later stage?
You can upgrade your account at any time you please. Most of the upgrade are instant but for Windows VPS which would take a restart from our support operator.
What are your hours of Technical Support?
Our support is working 24/7. Our nightly shift is taking care of all hardware related issues.
Do you allow adult content on your servers?
We do allow adult content on our servers as long as it is legitimate (no under aged).
Do you allow telnet / SSH access?
All our services include a SSH access except for shared web hosting which requires a support ticket request for it to be activated.
Can I purchase a domain name with Host-Stage?
Yes, you can purchase a domain name with us with all the most popular TLDs.
Can I purchase a domain name without purchasing a hosting account?
You don’t need to purchase a web hosting account to benefit from a domain name.
I already have a domain name. How do I point it to my new account?
Upon registration to a shared web hosting account, you would receive the nameservers so you can point your domain to our offer.
It is straight forward and active in minutes.
Can I purchase more bandwidth?
All our services includes unmetered bandwidth as it isn’t the main factor which is using the resources of a server. We do rely on a fair usage which shouldn’t impact others users.
For the dedicated servers, you can upgrade your port speed up to 3 GBPS for very specific needs.
Do you have a reseller plan?
We do have reseller plans : http://www.host-stage.net/resellerwebhosting.php
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we do have an affiliate programs which its earnings is based on 30% of the service sold and on a recurring basis.
They are really helpful, they even answered all of my questions (which is really long) and are easy to work with. I highly recommended them, you can try it out and use the coupon (WPC30) to get a 30% discount.
If you have more questions or other comments regarding HostStage VPS Server, feel free to do so in the comments below. I’d be happy to answer them 🙂