Posts Tagged: vps hosting

HostStage Windows VPS Review

On 5 Sep, 2014 By With 0 Comments

When I started out looking for a Windows VPS Server, I was a bit hesitant to sign up with HostStage, mainly because it was my first time and I didn’t really know what to expect and not sure what kind…

DigitalOcean SSD Cloud Server Hosting Review

On 10 Jun, 2014 By With 0 Comments

Web Hosting is already full of companies serving different kind of customers and websites, every single day we are looking for the best vps provider there is. In this review, we will look at DigitalOcean’s history and what makes them…

PowerUp Hosting Windows VPS Review

On 7 May, 2014 By With 0 Comments

If this is your first time getting a Windows VPS Server, you’ll likely be more cautious and  been reading a lot of information from forums to blog post. While this is all helpful, you will get confused with that kind…